paper, ink, artificial satellite positions, copper core in coaxial cables, tin

Zhanyi Chen’s (SMACT ’24) Artificial Satellite Astrology (2023) appropriates elements of astrology to imagine alternative relationships between the land and outer space for users of human-made satellites. It now includes astrological horoscopes that use artificial satellites instead of planets, antennas designed to receive divinatory signals from these spacecrafts, and a fictional tutorial YouTube channel on satellite astrology.

Contemporary infrastructure is likely the most massive and complex artifact, yet the most seemingly invisible and inconspicuous to its users. It is often perceived as a routine part of everyday life, only garnering attention when malfunctions occur. The materiality of these infrastructures often appears invisible where their functions manifest. In numerous seemingly wilderness areas, far removed from the users of these infrastructures, vast structures penetrate countless natural environments.

Using the astrological approach, we can highlight one such often-overlooked infrastructure: artificial satellites. Artificial Satellite Astrology allows us to bring these frequently backgrounded objects to the forefront and form a personal connection with them. It harks back to our ancient, instinctive tradition of creating myths and culture without the need for antennas or decoding software to mediate our experiences.