Venue: MOME – MOHOLY-NAGY UNIVERSITY OF ART AND DESIGN  (1121 Budapest, Zugligeti út 9., Auditorium)The two-day symposium organized by the International Kepes Society will address the possibilities, challenges, and questions regarding the aesthetic quality and creative aspects of light with invited artists and scholars who are working in the intersection of art, science, and technology.This event is free and open to the public without reservation.

For the entire duration of the conference, English live translation will be provided for all Hungarian-language presentations.In line with the spirit and activities of Kepes György, the International Kepes Society aims to present and utilize universal research results, and support artistic creative and research programs. Its members include artists, scientists, and research engineers. The group seeks to facilitate the establishment or deepening of human connections among representatives from diverse fields and nations, which can be mutually enriching, with their common interest being contemporary life and openness to new scientific and technical developments. Their activities extend beyond just technical arts, with the core being the society of light artists who have engaged in fruitful dialogues at light symposiums regularly held over the past 30 years.More info at: https://kepessociety.org/eng