The fields of architecture, city planning, media, design, real estate, and art are first and foremost dedicated to improving the human condition and quality of life for all people. This credo applies in all the varied communities in which we are engaged, including our own here at MIT. We value each member of our community—students, faculty, postdocs, staff, and visitors—as human beings, with all our wonderful differences. These differences in culture, life experience, and opinion, fuel creative ideas and actions, which are the core of our School’s educational mission.

Program Overview

ACT was formed in 2010 from the union of two multi-decade organizations, the Center for Advanced Visual Studies (CAVS) and the Visual Arts Program (VAP) and in 2021 the ACT community articulated the following foundational values:

  • We use technology as a tool and subject of critique to impact and transform culture through the lens of art.
  • We embrace inclusivity. Without agonistic difference and empathy for the other, our society remains static.
  • We embrace pluriversal ways of making and world-building.
  • We embrace discovery and inquiry.
  • We create new ways to connect and thread meaning.
  • We forge new ways of narrating and shaping time.
  • We embrace the tools of fine art alongside other tools and strategies for civic, scientific, and social engagement.
  • We insist on cross-sector dialogue and creative production.
  • This all has to do with technology and new ways of communicating, celebrating, building infrastructures, and bridging horizontally.


Faculty positions

There are currently no open faculty positions.

Staff positions

There are currently no open staff positions.

Student jobs

ACT is always looking for reliable student workers! To apply for student jobs, including Teaching Assistant, and AV Checkout, Office Support, and Events and Communications Assistants, visit the Architecture student jobs page (log in and VPN connection required).



All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, age, genetic information, veteran status, ancestry, or national or ethnic origin.



Opportunities, grants, and related resources
grants & awards for the MIT community

Council for the Arts Grants Program

At MIT, the primary available artist funding is the Grants Program of the Council for the Arts. Since 1974, the Council has awarded funding totaling over $1 million to over 1,000 proposals submitted by MIT faculty, staff, and students. Only currently registered MIT students, MIT staff, and MIT faculty are eligible to apply.

Louis Sudler Prize in the Arts

A $2,500 award is presented to a graduating senior who has demonstrated excellence in the arts.

Laya and Jerome Wiesner Student Art Awards

Two awards worth $2,000 each are presented annually to students for outstanding achievement in, and contribution to, the arts at MIT.

Schnitzer Prize

Student Art Association juried award. Student work is judged by a panel from the MIT arts community. Three prizes are awarded ranging from $5,000 for first place to $1,500 for third place.

Graduate Student Life Grants

The Graduate Student Life Grants program is a request-for-proposal process inviting graduate students, spouses, faculty, or staff to submit creative, community building ideas for possible funding.

Graduate Student Council

Supports conference-related travel expenses of MIT graduate students in all Schools throughout the Institute.

Related MIT Resources

Grant programs for Massachusetts-based artists

Visiting researchers and artists

  • Visiting Artists Program
    The Arts at MIT’s Visiting Artists Program brings internationally acclaimed artists to engage with MIT’s creative community in ways that are mutually enlightening for the artists and faculty, students, and research staff at the Institute.