Arta Basha-Jakupi is an architect and urban planner from Kosova, and currently a Research Affiliate at ACT thanks to a Fulbright Scholarship. Her research is about the Integral Communication Design and Conception of City. The project proposes a new visual metaphor for thinking about the city: a stack of image and data layers expressed differently and in a more understandable and easy way-through art.
The aim of this study is testing and finding most suitable forms of Artistic Integral Communication Design and different form of Architectural Representation to inform and inspire the people who are creating the cities of the future—and those who want to live there. The use of a certain strategies as a communication means, that could be attractive and well understood by the community, can encourage public engagement, discussion and generation of ideas, by this ensuring their collaboration during the planning / design process, as active participants and well-informed citizens.
Arta graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture at the University of Prishtina, Kosova. In 2007 she finished her postgraduate studies at Buahaus Kolleg-Dessau, Germany, where her final project ‘Green Zero’ on post-conflict urbanism was selected among the three best projects for a post-production. She completed her PhD studies in 2012 at the University of Bauhaus in Weimar, Germany, and her research on the Effect of the International Organizations on a Post-Conflict Urban Development was awarded with “cum luade”. On this occasion she became one of the youngest and few PhD’s in the field of Architecture in Kosova.
In 2007, Arta started working as a new teaching assistant at the Department of Architecture-University of Prishtina, 2010-2017 held the position of the Head of the Unit of Visual and Architectural Representation. She continues to work as a professor and Coordinator for Academic Development at FCEA-UP in Kosova. Her teaching experiences enabled her to work in other Universities in Kosova and in the region, such as: University “Mother Theresa” in Skopje, Macedonia, UBT, AAB and Faculty of Art in Prishtina, Kosova. She earned a large number of prestigious scholarships and grants, which enabled her to conducted different research studies, such as: postdoctoral research about Alternative Architectural Representations in Technical University of Vienna|Austria with the help of OEAD; research about Curricula Development in Visualization at the University of Bologna| Italy with the help of Erasmus +; Nature in Architecture in Japan (Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Nara) with the help of Japan Foundation; Managing Conflicts and Urban Development in Multiethnic Communities in Budapest, Hungary with the help of SOROS Foundation; Doctoral studies in Bauhaus University in Weimar with the help of Madeline Albright scholarship and University of Prishtina scholarship; UN Urbanism in Bauhaus Kolleg in Dessau, Germany founded by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, BiH etc.
Professor Arta has written one scientific book, a number of scientific papers and realized quite of few of architectural projects as part of the University staff or as an architect from the architectural office that she runs together with her brother.