Yvonne P. Doderer focuses on the linkage of urban/spatial theories, gender and contemporary art. The starting point of her work, reaching from scientific and theoretical research to artistic and cultural production, is questioning (urban) space not only as physical but also as social, political and gendered spaces. For example, her current research project deals with the notion of un/doing gender by discussing strategies and projects within art, culture and media transgressing gender borders and gender regimes. As artistic and cultural producer she participated in various international contemporary art exhibitions and as author she contributed widely to numerous scientific publications, exhibition catalogues and art magazines like the Austrian cultural magazine “springerin.” Doderer is Professor for GenderMediaDesign at the University of Applied Sciences in Düsseldorf (Ger) and furthermore lecturing mainly in the international artistic field. She is member of the Women’s Research Network NRW and she was visting scholar at the Maison de Sciences de l’Homme in Paris and the Office for Contemporary Art in Norway. She graduated as an engineer for Architecture and Urban Planning and awarded a Doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.) with excellence in Political Science at the University of Dortmund (Ger), Faculty of Spatial Planning.
Yvonne P. Doderer
Visiting Associate Professor