- Instructor
- Renée Green
- Units
- u 3-3-6, g 3-3-3 or 3-3-6
- Credit
- u/g
- Schedule
- T 7-10
- Location
- Virtual
Cinematic Migrations (Spring 2021)
Cinematic migrations will be a multi-faceted look at the role of cinema’s transmutations over time and its worldwide and circuitous shift, which include the integrations of its form into online video and television, spatial installations, performance and dance, as well as its appearance in many formats and portable devices. The course explores how cinema has been transformed by a combination of operations, including the “production of subjectivity,” contextual and theoretical shifts, in addition to the many changing formats and forms of diffusion. Recurring questions will be: “What is generated?”
“What is evocative?” and “How do we care?”
Desire for cinema perhaps existed before its creation. Questions regarding this speculation and the variety of ways this longing has been addressed in the past and present form the basis of inquiry in this workshop. Cinema can now be thought in the present as the umbrella term used for the variety of moving image and time-based forms that currently circulate and which have intersecting, yet specific histories of emergence.
The course will examine the transformation caused by online video, television, spatial installations, performances, dance, and many formats and portable devices, as well as the theory and context of film’s categorization, dissemination, and analysis. Presentations, screenings, field trips, readings, visiting artists, and experimental transdisciplinary projects broaden the perception of present cinema.
Prereq: 4.301, 4.302, 4.354, or instructor permission
Additional work required of students taking the graduate version.
Limited to 12.
→ Professors