- Instructor
- Marisa Morán Jahn
- TA
- Pramada Jagtap
- Units
- 3-3-6
- Lab Fee
- $75
- Credit
- U
- Schedule
- WR 2-5
- Location
- E15-283A
Introduction to Artistic Experimentation: Drawing Then Into Now (Spring 2022)
This hands-on studio lays a foundation of traditional drawing methods in order to springboard towards conceptual, critical, and transmedia approaches to mark-making. We’ll cover:
Traditional: scientific illustrations, three-point perspective, figure drawing, contour drawing, comics and sequential narratives, cartoons and editorials, calligraphy.
Contemporary: performative and peripatetic drawing, architectural and urban-scale drawings, diagrams, courtroom drawings and drawing as testimony, computer rendering, and interactive drawings.
Alongside historical precedents (Shakers, Renaissance, Middle Eastern and Far Eastern calligraphy), we’ll explore the work of contemporary artists including Pablo Helguera, Molly Crabapple, Christine Sun, Mark Lombardi, Shantell Martin, Eve Mosher, Regina Silveira, and others.
Open to undergraduates only.

Introduction to Artistic Experimentation: Drawing Then Into Now 4.301 (Spring 2022 Poster)
February 16
Marisa Morán Jahn
→ Past Lecturers