Laura Anderson Barbata
Lab Fee
Per-term $75 fee after Add Date; SMACT students are exempt
3-3-6 U/G 3-3-3 G
TW 930-1230

Explores performance centered on the body as a space of resistance/action, the collective body and its powers, and performative acts that blur boundaries between art and everyday life. By acknowledging embodied experience as a container -and generator- of knowledge, students trace gestures of care and reciprocity by enacting scores and poetry, conceptually altering screens/walls that divide and separate us, reclaiming time, and undoing categories that alienate our bodies from life itself. Activities include improvisation, movement vocabulary, theater strategies, walking, reading, writing, listening, observation, screening, and discussing theoretical, historical, and contemporary examples of performance art, social art practice, procession, and artistic collaborations. Several small performance-based projects, both collective and individual, assigned throughout the semester. Additional work required of students taking graduate version.