Graduate students do not need to reapply each year to retain the financial offer made upon admission, but must be enrolled full-time and be in good academic standing. Financial aid offers are guaranteed for the length of the residency requirement of the degree. A student must be registered full-time and hold a 4.0 cumulative GPA at the end of each academic year, and fulfill the department’s English as a Second Language requirement.
A central component of our financial aid plan for continuing SMACT students is the ability to apply for additional tuition support. With this in mind, we have one application process for two types of tuition fellowships:
- Master’s degree students admitted without a guaranteed tuition fellowship are invited to apply for a limited number of merit-based, half-tuition fellowships, for the remainder of the degree program, and
- All continuing master’s degree students will be eligible to apply for a limited number of one-year merit-based, increased-tuition fellowships.
Applications must be submitted in digital format. The application deadline for AY23-24 is 5:00 p.m. Friday, May 26, 2023. Recipients will be notified by June 23, 2023.
The application has the following components:
- Application Instructions and Eligibility Requirements Cover Sheet which are completed by the applicant. Please save the file to your computer by clicking “File Save As” using the following naming convention: A-COVER SHEET.pdf where “A” is your last name. (COVER SHEET YR2-MERIT-FELLOWSHIP-FY24)
- One Recommendation Form completed by your faculty advisor.
- A copy of your transcript saved as A-TRANSCRIPT.pdf, where “A” is your last name.
- A short statement outlining why you would like to be considered for additional funding. Your statement should be no more than 250 words, double-spaced with a 12-point font. Your statement should be saved as A-STATEMENT.pdf where “A” is your last name.
- ONE example of the work that you were able to produce during your first year as a student. Images and documentation should be no more than two pages; time-based media should be no longer than 2 minutes and submitted as a .mov, .mp3, or .aiff file. Do NOT send slides or printouts. If possible, save the work as A-SAMPLE where “A” is your last name.
Consolidate the PDF’s into a single binder named “last name-MERIT APPLICATION24.” Relevant files are below: