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Ryan Kuo, Party, 2013
Ryan Kuo, Party, 2013

November 25, 2013January 10, 2014

Venus Window (E14-140)
75 Amherst Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

Ryan Kuo’s Party is an assemblage of faces, colors, cuts, and coded disclosures. Built using a mixture of digital and analog approaches, the work functions as a test of focus and readability. In its current installation, Party also means to interrupt the daily flow of knowledge and knowingness. It is an amassing of information that politely declines to be utilized.

Ryan Kuo is a second-year graduate student in the Program in Art, Culture and Technology at MIT. He currently works in video, text, interactive media, and performance. His influences include rave music, video games, phenomenology, and medical school.

This exhibit has been made possible by funding from the Program in Art, Culture and Technology.