Botanical Ghosts |Opening Reception and Artist Tour
Wiesner Student Art Gallery Online Exhibition
Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Time: 6:00pm
Location: Zoom Register Here
Join artist Nancy Valladares (SMACT ’20) for a guided tour of her web experience, Botanical Ghosts, which includes a film and archive. Botanical Ghosts traces the transatlantic voyage of the ackee tree (Blighia Sapida), and its encounter with British botanist Dorothy Popenoe in Honduras. This project stages a fictional exchange between Dorothy, the ackee fruit, and the artist, as they pull on a thread that unravels the history of Lancetilla Botanical Experimental Station. This website collects a film, fictions, letters, photographs, and documents into a speculative archive that reanimates the specters behind Lancetilla and the worlds that emerged from this site.
Botanical Ghosts | A Conversation
Wiesner Student Art Gallery Online Exhibition
Date: Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Time: 6:00pm
Location: Zoom Registration Link to come
A three-way conversation about the intersection of art, biology, and the history of science. Featuring Nancy Valladares (SMACT ’20); Shireen Hamza, PHD student in History of science at Harvard and a filmmaker; and Semine Long Callesen, recent graduate from MIT’s HTC program and Transmedia Storytelling Initiative.